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My brother ?........ Early every morning.
The red colour of the sun at the time of sunrise and sunset is because
Which power first came to India?
One of the following does not inject an acidic liquid into the skin through its sting.This is:
what is the area of the circle if diameter of circle is 49 cm
Which of the following cellular organelle is known as the Protein factory
A paragraph can be longer or shorter,it depends on:
The biology which deals with the study of cell structure and function is called
The unit for expressing electric power
The most suitable material for making the core of an electromagnet is
The zeroes of the quadratic polynomial p<sup>2</sup> + 99p + 127are
What are the condition for cuitivation of Wheat ?
Which one of the following laws was enacted by the Government of India in October 2005?
The characteristics transmitted from parents to offspring are present in
In every food chain, plants are